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Our Business Crime Reduction Partnership

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We are thrilled to share that It's in Nottingham has been awarded the National Standards Accreditation for our Business Crime Reduction Partnership.

Posted: Aug 2023

This is a great honour and a testament to the hard work of everyone involved in the partnership to make our city a safer place for businesses and the wider community.

It's great news that the our Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) in Nottingham has been recognised for its efforts in working with Nottinghamshire Police and stakeholders to prevent crime and disorder. The accreditation received from Secured by Design shows that we have been effective in reducing the impact of crime on businesses and the community. This is a wonderful achievement for the partnership and our dedication to keeping Nottingham safe.

What is a BCRP?

Our Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) enables It's in Nottingham member businesses to collaborate with the police, local authorities, and other businesses, to share valuable information to prevent and detect crime. This is facilitated through our digital radio system and Alert! platform, a secure database for sharing information.

By demonstrating that accredited partnerships meet the national standard police forces will be more confident to ‘dare to share’ information and act on the information they receive from BCRPs fostering a culture of collaborative working.

The BCRP National Standards serve as a reference to provide reassurance to business members, police, and other stakeholders.

The impact of business crime on those who work, live, visit and invest in Nottingham cannot be underestimated – working to a common national standard ensures that we continue to deliver to achieve our objectives.

Want to equip your business with our BCRP schemes? Email us at bcrp@itsinnottingham.com.

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